Our Mission Statement:

We are committed to speaking out against racial injustice and police brutality, and will do this by supporting groups who have long been tirelessly working such as the NAACP, Black Lives Matter, LSURJ (Louisville Showing Up Against Racial Injustice) and SURJs everywhere, the ACLU, Louisville Urban League and others.

We are committed to LISTENING and learning from Black leaders and the Black community on how we can best serve. 

We are committed to breaking white silence by taking action that keeps the Black community and anti-racism as our focus.

Our History:

#WhiteWomenDemandJusticeforBreonna united in May, 2020 in despair and anger over the police killing of Breonna Taylor . At the time, we felt the need to show up and push for justice in this horrific incident. Since that time, we have become much more aware of the depths of systemic racism that allowed this to happen to Breonna. In January 2021, we changed our name to listenlearnact.org to reflect this realization.

We see that we’re not dealing with one (or two or ten) horrific incidents but layers of racial inequity that tarnish almost every aspect of life in this country. Breonna became the catalyst for many of us in a lifelong journey toward anti-racism and working to end white supremacy.

What We Do:

Our goal is to learn and share awareness of race related issues. Posts are directly related to racism, police brutality, and justice. We also offer several ongoing series to support the goal:

--The Unveilingreveals details on our little known racial history

--In the Spotlightcelebrates remarkable, positive people and organizations within the Black community

--The ARC: Anti-Racism Challenge is a quarterly event that asks participants to complete 3 anti-racism actions each week

--“Listen/Learn/Acts” provide information and calls to action around events

--“It’s a Good Day To…” is a call for a specific anti-racism activity

--Did You Know?” Fun facts about people, events or places that you may not know about



  • Earth and Spirit Center

    In the Fall of 2021, we began our partnership with the Earth and Spirit Center to facilitate racial justice classes designed to focus on elements in the document A Path Forward for Louisville. In these classes, we bring in Black leaders as our guest speakers who are experts on each issue.

    We also collaborate with ESC to host Community Conversations with Black leaders in a salon setting.


  • Metro Louisville's Office of Equity

    In June 2022, we, along with Earth and Spirit Center, partnered with Louisville’s Office of Equity to expand our programs and events to a city-wide audience.

    Through Louisville’s Office of Equity support, we bring folks together to create a movement for racial justice.


Listen Learn Act